Ontario Police Memorial Day 2021 - Video
National Police and Peace Officers' Memorial Day 2020 - Video
Ontario Police Memorial Day 2020 - Video
Sergeant Richard "Rick" McDonald
July 30, 1961 - July 28, 1999
Sudbury Regional Police
On July 28, 1999, while deploying a spike belt, Sergeant Rick McDonald was fatally injured when he was struck by a stolen vehicle that was fleeing police. A passenger in the suspect vehicle was also killed and two other youths were subsequently charged. Sergeant McDonald, a twelve-year veteran of the service, was survived by his wife, a fellow police officer.
Constable Joseph "Joe" MacDonald
December 10, 1963 - October 7, 1993
Sudbury Regional Police
On October 7, 1993, while on general patrol, Constable Joe MacDonald conducted a routine traffic stop. Two men exited the vehicle and a violent physical altercation developed, which resulted in the exchange of gunfire. Constable MacDonald was fatally shot. The two men fled the area in a vehicle pursued by police. Subsequently a foot chase and further altercation ensued where both suspects were taken into police custody. The individuals were both charged and convicted of first-degree murder receiving life sentences without parole for 25 years. Constable MacDonald was survived by his wife and two children.
Sergeant Laurier Quesnel
November 27, 1930 - October 14, 1965
Sudbury City Police
On October 14, 1965, Sergeant Laurier Quesnel and a fellow officer were attempting to execute a warrant on an individual in order to return him to a psychiatric facility. The male was believed to be depressed but not dangerous. Sergeant Quesnel was shot through the door and fatally wounded. When help arrived, tear gas was used and the apartment was stormed by police who found culprit dead from self-inflicted gunshot wounds. Sergeant Quesnel was survived by his wife and four children.
Constable Ernest Paul
February 1, 1915 - May 28, 1955
Copper Cliff Police Department
In the early morning hours of May 28, 1955, in the town of Creighton, Constable Earnest Paul was seated in the Inco Hotel talking to the night cook. A 22 year old miner entered and he fired a point-blank range a twenty-two caliber revolver killing Constable Paul. He then shot and wounded two civilians. The man died, of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, shortly after being taken to hospital. Constable Paul was survived by his wife and four children.
Constable Gerry Dault
March 17, 1917 - June 18, 1949
Sudbury City Police
On June 18, 1949, Constable Edward Terrell and Constable Gerry Dault responded to a domestic call. As the incident continued a crowd gathered. Constable Gerry Dault was attempting to move spectators away from the danger zone when he was fatally shot. Constable Gerry Dault was survived by his wife and three children.
Constable Edward Terrell
September 4, 1920 - June 18, 1949
Sudbury City Police
On June 18, 1949, Constable Edward Terrell and Constable Gerry Dault responded to a domestic call. As Constable Terrell approached the house he was fatally shot and killed by an occupant of the residence. The culprit, whose wife and children had fled the apartment, was found dead when police rushed into the building after using tear gas. Constable Edward Terrell was survived by his wife and child.
Sergeant Frederick Davidson
August 20, 1900 - July 20, 1937
Sudbury City Police
On July 11, 1937, as Sergeant Frederick Davidson attempted to question two men who were changing licence plates on a vehicle, one of the men pulled a gun and fatally shot him. Before Sergeant Davidson died in the hospital, he was able to identify his attackers from photographs. The suspects were cornered by police in Spanish River an gunfire was exchanged. One of the suspects was killed and the other was charged and convicted of murder.
Constable Albert Nault
September 6, 1896 - December 21, 1931
Sudbury City Police
Shortly after midnight on December 21, 1931, Constable Albert Nault began his beat patrols, which included the rough area of the CNR freight sheds and adjoining “tenderloin” district. Not long afterwards he was found shot to death near the freight sheds. The murder remains unsolved. His revolver was never recovered. Constable Nault was survived by his wife and four children.