We are pleased to announce that our own Constable Stefany Mussen is the recipient of the IODE Canada Youth Award.
Cst. Mussen is currently a School Resource Officer and the Liaison Officer for the Chief’s Youth Advisory Council (CYAC). Each and every day, Cst. Mussen goes above and beyond to support the youth in our community and has been recognized numerous times by our community partners for this. Here are some highlights of her work in Greater Sudbury:
- Cst. Mussen is trained in Violent Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA) to address situations of elevated risk and implement risk prevention measures. She is regularly consulted and provides guidance to protocol partners and her peers within her unit.
- She has also been a leader in many of our GSPS summer programs, most notably the Sudbury Police Youth Dirt Riders (SPYDR) bike program, Building Understanding, Resiliency and Strength Together (BURST) summer camp and Sudbury Police Adventure Recreations at Kivi Park (SPARK). These programs incorporate physical and mental well-being in youth.
- She has taken an active role in the Preventing Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth (PARTY) Program which is presented to teens in grades 10 and 11 preparing to get their driver’s licences.
- Cst. Mussen is also a member of the Sudbury Playground Hockey League Police Cup (SPHL) executive team as a volunteer. In her role she helps to coordinate an annual hockey tournament with youth 5 to 16 years old and engages youth throughout the weekend developing positive police/youth relationships. This event reaches approximately 550 youth in the Sudbury and surrounding area.
- She has also collaborated with Public Health Sudbury and Districts for an Opioid Awareness Campaign “KNOW MORE – Get the Facts, Know the Risks”. She is a presenter at local high schools and has had a significant impact on many students.
- Cst. Mussen was a key participant at the HEADSTRONG Summit in 2018 which engaged 100 secondary students from five school boards including Sudbury and Wikwemikong. The focus was on physical, mental, social and emotional wellbeing.
- In 2019, she also contributed to GSPS’s work in Human Trafficking by providing education and awareness about Human Trafficking to our local high school students. Here she also highlighted the availability to our online sexual assault reporting system which has seen a significant increase in youth reporting.
- Recently, Cst. Mussen met with our anti-racism training partners to explore the idea of engaging schools to provide anti-racism awareness training and to explore opportunities for involving newcomers to the community. This work is ongoing.
Constable Mussen is a very worthy recipient of this year’s IODE Youth Award and we are very proud of her work and community engagement.
She has chosen to provide her $500 award to Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Sudbury.
IODE Canada (Women Dedicated to a Better Canada) is a national women's charitable organization where women of all ages, all walks of life and educational backgrounds, meet in local chapters for fun, friendship, and community volunteerism. Members volunteer with and for people, focusing on Children, Education and Community Services. For Several years now, the IODE has acknowledged members both Sworn and Civilian of the Greater Sudbury Police Service who have made a significant impact on the lives of youth in our community, and who have gone above and beyond in their commitment to improving the lives of youths and/or vulnerable residents of the City of Greater Sudbury.