International Women’s Day is recognized every year on March 8th and this year’s theme is Break The Bias. It is an important day to acknowledge the achievements and contributions of women and to renew discussion about the importance of gender equality in Canada and around the world.

On March 8th and every day, we celebrate the women who work at GSPS and the strength they bring to our Service.

We’d like to introduce you to some of the amazing women of our GSPS family.

Meet Meagan Lavallée, 911 Dispatcher, Emergency Communications Centre: woman wearing headset looking into computer screen

Q) What inspired you to become a 911 Dispatcher with GSPS?

A) I was inspired to become a 911 Dispatcher because I’ve always wanted a career that entailed helping people and I was called to emergency services.

Q) What’s the best part about your job? Why do you love doing what you do?

A) I never thought I would be the voice on the other end of 911, I love that it is absolutely never routine or predictable. You never know what you’re going to get. I have to use my brain to try to diffuse intense situations where people are in crisis and quickly send emergency services like Fire and Police. There is a lot of multi-tasking and never a dull moment. It can be very rewarding.

Q) What advice would you give to a young girl or woman aspiring to join the policing profession/law enforcement field?

A) Surround yourself with people who support you and push you in a positive direction. Never opt out of an opportunity for training or education. Knowledge is never lost. Never let anyone else tell you what your capabilities are. There are so many different rewarding roles in a police service.