On Sunday, May 12, 2019 the Greater Sudbury Police Service along with community partners including Citizens on Patrol (COPS) volunteers, Greater Sudbury Police Service Auxiliary, and the Ontario Provincial Police will be assisting with traffic control during the Sudbury Rocks Marathon for the Northern Cancer Foundation.
All events, including the full 42-km marathon, will be held between 7:55 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on major streets in Greater Sudbury including Elgin Street, Notre Dame Avenue, Lasalle Boulevard, Attlee Avenue, Gemmell Street, Falconbridge Highway, Second Avenue, Bancroft Drive and Howey Drive. During this time these streets will be filled with several hundred runners, marshals and logistical volunteers. Various lanes of traffic will be sectioned off with traffic pylons and Police personnel will be stationed along the route to direct vehicular traffic.
Motorists are reminded not to park on designated race routes as Police and event staff will be present to have these vehicles removed in these areas at the owner’s expense.
Delays and inconveniences are expected; however, motorists are asked to be mindful and respectful of the event. Please plan accordingly. (Race Route Maps Attached)