Our volunteer Spiritual Team is comprised of religious, pastoral and spiritual leaders in our community. The purpose of our Spiritual Team is to provide multidenominational services to our Members and their family members and to also participate in community events. chief of police handing ribbon shirt to man

Members of our Spiritual Team are available to assist in critical incident stress debriefing; counselling our members in response to stress or family crisis; visiting with sick or injured members at their home or in the hospital; and advising the Chief in all matters of a religious nature involving the Police Service and the performance of police duties in the community.

We are very honoured to welcome George Couchie as the newest Member of our GSPS Spiritual Team.

George has over 33 years of policing experience, including 12 years designing and delivering award-winning Indigenous awareness training programs and initiatives to youth, government employees, teachers and officers and has provided our Members with invaluable training over the years. 

A gifted communicator, George speaks from the heart and uses personal stories and humour to broach difficult issues. George has been honoured with many awards for his commitment to educating adults and working with youth.

Traditionally, members of the Spiritual Team have used the title “Chaplain”. As George is a proud member of the Nipissing First Nation and references culture and traditional teaching in delivering his training programs, he will be using the title “Shkaabewis”, meaning “Helper”.

As a part of our welcome, we gifted George with a ribbon shirt, hand-made by one of our Civilian Members, Robin Wemigwans.

Chi-Miigwetch George for officially joining our GSPS family and in such an important capacity.