Please note that the following Break and Enter CANNOT be accepted online:
- If the break and enter/theft happened in a garage that is attached to your home.
If this applies please call the Greater Sudbury Police Service at 705-675-9171 to file a report.
Please provide a detailed description of what happened in the description section of the report along with a detailed list of all of the items stolen (including value) from your detached garage/shed.
Please make sure that you also include the approximate date and time of when you believe the break and enter/theft occurred.
When completing a Break and Enter to a Detached Garage or Shed Report, please:
- Provide all of the serial numbers that you have on any of the stolen property.
- Provide a description and value for each item that was stolen.
- Create a separate property entry for each piece of property that is being reported as stolen.
- Please provide any suspect information, if available, and/or indicate that video surveillance footage is available.
File a Break and Enter to a Detached Garage or Shed Report
You may be contacted by email or telephone if further information is required.
Filing a false police report is a criminal offence.