If this is an emergency, please call 9-1-1
What is Harassing Communications?
Harassing Communications is when someone continuously tries to communicate with you via phone, text message, email, social media, etc. after you have stated that the communication is unwelcome/unwanted.
Please note that the following Harassing Communications CANNOT be accepted online:
- If you have ever been or are currently involved in an intimate relationship with the person responsible for the Harassing Communications (i.e. boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse).
- If there is an immediate threat of physical injury/death or immediate threat to your property.
- If the Harassing Communication is motivated by bias, prejudice or hate based on colour, race, religion, nationality or ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or mental or physical disability.
If any of these apply please call the Greater Sudbury Police Service at 705-675-9171 to file a report.
The accuracy of the information you provide will help us in processing your report. Please ensure that your report is complete and concise. Please provide a detailed description of the communications you have received including date, time and the contents of the message(s). Please include the name of the person responsible, if available.
File a Harassing Communications Report
You may be contacted by email or telephone if further information is required.
Filing a false police report is a criminal offence.