A Theft is when an individual takes items that belong to you without your permission with the intention to steal those items from you.
Please note the following before filing a Theft report:
- If someone has entered your business or home and has taken items from inside, please call the Greater Sudbury Police Service 705-675-9171 to file a Break and Enter report.
- If the item was stolen from your vehicle, please file a Theft from Vehicle report.
- If you are the victim of a theft and your debit or credit card has been taken and used without your consent, please file a Fraud Under $5,000 report.
When completing a Theft report, please:
- Provide all serial numbers that are available for any of the stolen property.
- Create a separate property entry for each piece of property that is being reported as stolen.
The accuracy of the information you provide will help us in processing your report. Please ensure your report is complete and concise. Please prove a detailed description of what happened with the date and time you discovered the theft and the last time you saw your belongings.
You may be contacted by email or telephone if further information is required.
Filing a false police report is a criminal offence.